Pod #61 - Detox Your Home: The How

podcast toxins Oct 16, 2019

Detox Your Home - The How

Last week, we talked about the toxins in our daily lives. If you haven't listened to that episode, please do that before listening to this one. We promised to be back with solutions, so we’re back, full of ideas to help you detox your home. This episode is full of great starting points so you can begin making baby steps to a cleaner and safer environment for you and your family.


From the Episode:

  • Have you been inspired? Nicole certainly has and shares with us the baby steps she’s been taking. 
  • Common household items can make our rooms smell great, help us feel comfortable and make laundry easier, but some items you use every day are full of toxic ingredients. Angela gives us a head’s up on some of the surprising culprits.
  • Where do I even begin? There are some simple tasks and chores that will make your home a healthier place.
  • Going organic can seem like a huge leap, but Angela shares how focusing on certain food items and drastically reduce the amount of toxins in your body.
  • Personalizing your journey. Focusing on the health challenges you face can be a great start in discovering how to detox your home. We’ll share tools to help you research your specific health issues and find the areas of change that can help you feel more energized and vibrant . . . and just more YOU!
  • Please let us know what you have done to detox your home by tagging us on Instagram with the hashtag #sparkdetoxyourhome

AWC Goodies: 

  • Check out Angela’s Guide –  5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Stress Today on her website at www.angelawagner.com. It will give you 5, simple, easy, and actionable steps that will get you feeling more energized in one day!
  • Sign up for Angela’s Personalized Virtual Home Tour. Angela will walk you through your home and create a custom plan for you and your family as you start your journey in removing toxins from your home. Email Angela to schedule your Home Tour at [email protected].
  • Free Yoga Class – Download one of Angela’s 60 min Power Flow Yoga classes for FREE at www.angelawagner.com/yoga



If this episode sparked something in you, please be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher, leave us a rating and review on iTunes, and tell your friends about us on Facebook, Instagram, or good old-fashioned word of mouth! Thanks for visiting.


Take these 5 simple steps and immediately feel more productive and less stressed. And yes, you really can do them all today!