Pod #52 - Clutter Cleanse, Part 1

podcast simplicity Feb 07, 2018

Sucky Moment of the Week (5/5) Nicole discovered that colic is NO JOKE after Fiona spent days crying non-stop. Inspired Action Parent or not, we can all relate to feeling helpless when we’re in an unfixable situation. Be patient and know that you’re doing your best. Try a mantra: “Be patient. It will get better,” or  “This is just a moment in time.”

Major Topic: Decluttering Your Spaces Nicole and Angela offer up advice on how to simplify your spaces by getting rid of items that don’t give you joy or purpose.

Try This: Go through a room or closet in your house and find a few items that you’ve held onto that you don’t really use or love. Ask yourself the question: What do I expect to achieve by keeping this item? Let us know how it goes!

Nicole SHOUT out to her mom, aka “Mimi”, who was there for support during the entire cholic episode.

From the Episode:


Take these 5 simple steps and immediately feel more productive and less stressed. And yes, you really can do them all today!