Pod #19 - Disrupt, Get Moving, and Eat More Melons

podcast Apr 26, 2017

Sucky Moment of the Week (3/5) This week we’ve got a #throwback sucky moment to many moons ago when Nicole and Vic took their first ever canoeing adventure as a couple, and it went, well, not great. Inspired Action Learning to work together as a team is a process, and it takes time and practice, but the sticky situations are opportunities to grow together and come out with even better knowledge of yourself and each other.

Major Topic: Automaticity Why is it so hard to break “bad” habits? Often, the behaviors have become so engrained that they are automatic. In the constant effort to do nothing without a clear intention, Angela and Nicole discuss some common (and unwanted) automatic behaviors, and how you can break free by disrupting that automaticity in your daily life. It’s bad habit ANARCHY!!

Try This: Identify a habit that has become automatic for you (think endless Netflix sprees, Oreo binges, purposeless app opening, etc.) and that you want to break. Commit to one action that will disrupt the automaticity of your habit, and do it!

Angela SHOUT out What’s red and green and made up of 92% water?? No, it’s not a nauseous, sunburned, bloated zebra, though we understand why you would think that.

From the Episode:

  • Why do we love watermelon? Let us count the ways! Watermelon facts here.



Take these 5 simple steps and immediately feel more productive and less stressed. And yes, you really can do them all today!